Visit Tamlyn at the International Builder Show, February 25-27, Booth C5507, Las Vegas Convention Center. Click for more.



Tamlyn continues to lead the way in selection and choice for trims to compliment siding panels and planks of all types.


The infiltration of moisture can lead to structural deterioration, shorten the life of exterior claddings and paints, while also fostering mold and rot which will harm the structure and pose health hazards. With these conditions, the key becomes the removal of liquid bulk water and water vapor as quickly as possible to
avoid damage to structural components and this is where Tamlyn and its multiple options of Water Management Systems excels.

The key to building durable structures is more than just applying building paper or a wrap. It’s about employing tried and proven water management principles to develop a moisture management system that addresses all the mechanisms of moisture movement. It is a guide for architectural design, product selection and construction practice. Preventing moisture damage and call backs is really about implementing a system to effectively control moisture as a liquid and as a vapor.

Tamlyn has worked with leading building science innovators to become a leader in providing multiple systems to facilitate proper water management. These systems include TamlynWrap® Drainable Wrap, TamlynWrap® ProSelect™ Commercial Wrap and accessories as well as the Tamlyn vented rainscreen systems.



Installation Notes:

Extend TamlynWrap® ProSelect™ Commercial Wrap a minimum of 2” over the foundation ledge.

TamlynWrap® ProSelect™ Commercial Wrap should always be lapped in shingle fashion starting from the lowest point. Proper shingling is required to shed water through gravity and to prevent water from entering the wall system.

• Unroll TamlynWrap® ProSelect™ Commercial Wrap and fasten to sheathing with cap-fasteners.

• Fasteners should provide a minimum 1/2” penetration into the nail base and be spaced approximately 12” to 18” apart along the horizontal and vertical laps. Fasten 36” apart everywhere else.

• Overlap Horizontal and Vertical seams by at least 6” and corners by 12”. Stagger vertical seams wherever possible.

• Seam Tape Requirements • Tape all seams using XtremeSeam™ Tape in order to meet the 25 year warranty and air barrier requirements.

• Install seam tape using TAMLYN guidelines.

     • Be sure that the wrap installation and flashing allows drainage to the exterior of the assembly.

     • Do not allow the wrap to be exposed to sunlight in excess of 270 days.

*Note: Use a sharp blade or scissors to cut TamlynWrap® ProSelect™ Commercial Wrap

Warranty Statement

15 Year Warranty
Tamlyn warrants that TamlynWrap® Drainable WRB and TamlynWrap® ProSelect™, when installed in accordance with Tamlyn’s published installation
instructions, is free from manufacturing defects for 15 years from the date of purchase.

25 Year Warranty
Full Line Tamlyn Water Management Accessories (i.e. XtremeSeam™ Tape, XtremeFlashing™ and XtremeSealant™) must be used as a complete
system. All seams must be taped. Registration required.

1. Rough Opening

• Cut TamlynWrap® ProSelect™ Commercial Wrap as shown in (FIG 1).

• Fasten the tabs at the sill and the jambs inward. Fold up the tabs at the window head, and tuck it out of the way
as shown in (FIG 2).

2. Sill Flashing

• Install XtremeFlashing™ min 3” below sill and across front of WRB. Cut a slit in XtremeFlashing™ along jamb and adhere remainder along sill. (FIG 3)

• Flash both corners with Bow-Tie or corner piece. (FIG 4)

• Adhere additional piece of flashing to fully cover sill and extend up jambs a min of 6”. Flashing should extend to the inside edge of sill. Slit remaining XtremeFlashing™ at the corner and adhere to the exterior of the wall (FIG 5)

NOTE: Use min 6” wide flashing for 2×4 framing. Use 9” wide flashing for 2×6 framing

*Always use roller or hand applicator when installing tapes.

3. Sealant

• Apply XtremeSealant to the jambs and head of the window before installing. Never apply the sealant at the bottom of the sill (FIG 6)

4. Set Window

• Set the window into the rough opening, level, and fasten to the substrate per window manufacturer’s recommendation. Sill Flashing should be visible below the sill flange. Do not apply XtremeFlashing Tape over the bottom flange. This area is left open to allow water to drain in the event of a window leak. (FIG 7)

5. Jamb Flashing

• Adhere vertical sections with XtremeFlashing Tape over the jamb flanges. Extend vertical flashing approximately 3” above the window head and below sill flashing as shown in (FIG 8)

6. Head Flashing

• Adhere XtremeFlashing Tape to the head flange and to the sheathing. Head flashing must extend beyond jamb flashing on either side. Jamb flashing should not extend above the head flashing. (FIG 9)


• Fold the top tab of TamlynWrap® ProSelect™ Commercial Wrap over the head section as shown in (FIG 10)

• Tape corners using XtremeFlashing™ as shown in (FIG 11)

Note: For best results, apply a continuous bead of sealant to the interior side of the window. Consult Tamlyn for additional methods and detailing.